Saturday, April 23, 2011

keynote newzeland annual conference

8 Stages of Observation

1.  observing during lessons  (this is the illusion stage)
2.  Mobil observation.  Observing while walking around, not in lessons.
3.  Prison guard.  Stop-watch-redirect-watch  this equals constant irritation
4.  Crooked finger.  sitting to observe, but beckoning children over to redirect.
5.  Stink eye.  Sitting to observe, not beckoning, but still interfering with natural activity.
6.  Build my ego.  Sitting to observing but still answering questions.
7.  Pavolv's dog  reward for observing, or punishment for not!
8.  Observer as observer.  True observation.

You cannot continue to grow as a teacher without observation.  Because you do not know what you are doing!