Friday, March 25, 2011

NAMTA journal V36 #1

notes from
Celebrating Life, Not Theories by Stanford Jones

Do you convey a daily celebration of life to your children in the classroom?

"Look for the child who is not yet there."  -M.M.

Discipline without freedom is repression, but freedom without discipline is chaos.  -attributed to Margret Stephenson

'there are children who do not need a directed approach.  Invite them to do something they have had a lesson on (give a limited choice) or to join the group.

To be a successful practitioner, we must hold fast to the vision and accept our individual situation, taking the best and leaving the rest.

"Well, Dears! you must give it at least 6 years.  Rome wasn't built in a day"  --attributed to Margret Stevenson.

MM preferred 'conversation' to 'lesson'

too academic=unreasonable and we will perceive teaching as an exercise in futility
too lax=excellence will not be achieved

seek counsel

be honest about our strengths and weaknesses

What the children do without you is more important than what they do with you

be humble.  Learn from the children

self worth comes from 1-affirmation from adults 2-successfull adaptation to the chilture by the child's won activity on the environment.

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